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Corporate Sustainability Go to contents 17 Sustainability In 2022, we took steps forward in the implementation of each sustainability objective according to our 5 sustainability focus Highlights areas. The summary below provides highlights of our activities. Our Sustainability Report 2022 gives a comprehensive 2022 overview of the current situation in each area. 01 Transparency implemented projects. The goals for the contains questions about our suppliers’ future are outlined with short-term and long- sustainability strategies, which low-carbon At Staticus, we provide transparency term targets. products are available, and sustainability through sustainability reporting on material documentation such as Environmental topics. Reporting is a vital component of Product Declarations. The purpose of the our sustainability activities, because it 02 Partnerships survey is to analyse the sustainability risk of ensures we remain accountable and keeps our supply chain and assess the status quo, us focused on continual improvement. We build long-term relationships with our with the final goal of engaging our suppliers This year, for the first time, we prepared clients, partners and suppliers, and the in the development of carbon reduction comprehensive sustainability reporting foundation for these is always a mindset targets. according to the 5 focus areas of our focused on being sustainable. With our corporate sustainability strategy. suppliers, we collaborate closely to not only meet sustainability specifications, 03 Innovation in Design The Sustainability Report 2022 provides but to develop carbon reduction targets a detailed account of our activities and that accelerate our progress and exceed and Delivery performance over the year. The progress industry-wide common practices. in each sustainability objective from the We have been building a portfolio of low- 5 sustainability focus areas is thoroughly In 2022, we developed a digital carbon R&D systems that are tailored to described with KPIs, statistics and sustainability survey. This survey meet and exceed the relevant sustainability Økern Portal | Norway, Oslo Photo © Andrius Gudelis

Capability Statement - Page 17 Capability Statement Page 16 Page 18