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Corporate Sustainability Go to contents 24 Active philanthropy Our charity initiatives Home renovations Raguvėlė Children’s Day Centre Activities related to the war in Ukraine In 2022, we marked the 5 year In 2022, Staticus continued its support We reacted quickly and decisively to help anniversary of our initiative to take care of for the Raguvėlė Children’s Day Centre families affected by the war in Ukraine. We disadvantaged families by renovating their in Anykščiai. This centre supports more provided direct support to families that homes. This year, we helped a household in than 20 children, aged between 6 and managed to escape the war. the district of Panevėžys by replacing their 17, who come from socio-economically windows. These were manufactured and disadvantaged backgrounds. The funds and We partnered with Save the Children to installed just before Christmas, and we are support we provide ensure the centre has provide urgent aid, and also supplied continuing to improve this family’s home the materials it needs for its learning and medical equipment directly to Ukraine. by making sure they have access to clean extra curricular activities. These medical shipments were collected water at home. together with our partners. This support for the centre has a long We have now provided 5 families with better history - we have previously contributed living conditions. We also provide annual funds to help repair the centre after a fire, support for these families, ensuring they and we are in regular contact with the can celebrate the biggest holidays of the centre’s founder to see if further support Gifts for children year with plenty of festive food and presents is needed. We take our responsibility to support the societies we for their children. On the major holidays of the year, and work in very seriously. That is because we understand Another important development this year important events like the first day of that a sustainable future is only possible when society was a new partnership with aid and charity school, we send gifts to 45 children. They fund Gėrio trupinėlis. Our philanthropic activities in 2023 receive toys, books and tasty treats to is supported. As a result, our people-first approach bring happiness and joy on these special extends beyond our own team and partners to We are committed to supporting our local occasions. communities. In 2023, we will continue to include a range of philanthropic activities. support disadvantaged children and families.

Capability Statement - Page 24 Capability Statement Page 23 Page 25