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Financial Results & Business Plans Go to contents 66 Staticus has clear business plans moving We have developed forecasts for the Staticus’ plans forward into 2023. 2023 will also see the upcoming year, and below are our highest completion of our current strategic cycle, priority goals for 2023. so by the end of the year we will have in and forecasts place our strategy for the next 3 years. Strategic cycle completion Maintaining our current Ensuring sufficient Sustainability, talent Planned R&D activities market share and stable cash flow and high liquidity and transformation Throughout 2023, a team of employees 2023 will be an intensive year in terms from different departments will be working revenue In the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine In these areas, we expect 2023 to be a of our R&D activities. hard to formulate our strategy for the 2024- By focusing on the company’s growth and and the concerning situation in the financial year of continuity with a strong focus on Our new testing rig will be installed and 2027 period. This process will be supported on profit optimisation, we will strive to markets, Staticus’ top priority is to ensure implementation. operational, which will add further impetus by consultants from the Swiss business maintain our current market share and to sufficient cash flow and high liquidity. to other R&D projects. We will continue the school IMD. ensure stable revenue in 2023. — Having formulated our Corporate development of our hybrid unitised façade, This will enable projects to be developed Sustainability Strategy in 2022, in building a prototype and testing the IoT In parallel, we will be striving to meet the Currently, our highest-income projects are smoothly and prevent disruptions in supply 2023 we will define KPIs for each sensors in real conditions. We also aim to strategic targets we committed to 3 years North Zealand Hospital (Hovedstaden), and billing. With a liquidity ratio between 1.1 of our 5 sustainability focus areas; establish more partnerships with leading ago. We are on track in all areas: Canada Water (London), Clarendon Road and 1.6, the Group has sufficient short-term universities and research institutions. (London), Stavanger (Oslo), and Landspitali liquid assets to cover its current liabilities. — We will also determine how — In terms of revenue, we expect to hit our (Reykjavik). These are followed by S1 In other words, this ratio indicates that the we measure each KPI; target of EUR 100 million in 2023; (Stockholm), Oxford University (Oxford) Group can pay off its debts and obligations and the Radiumhospitalet (Oslo). as they become due without having to sell — Our Sustainability Lead will continue — We have already met our strategic target off long-term assets or take on additional working with the CWCT on establishing regarding which markets we are present debt. In addition, the Group is not leveraged. industry standards for embodied carbon in, and our goal in 2023 is to maintain this This reduces financial risk, increases in façades; presence; investor confidence and provides more flexibility for growth. — Regarding Agile, in 2023 we will define — We expect to further expand our clear roles and responsibilities for all presence in the UK market in 2023, team members within our new Agile and aim to win our first projects in the framework. Benelux region and Switzerland.

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