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R&D Activities and Digitalization Go to contents 32 Digitalizing In 2022, we continued the ongoing digitalization of our working processes, and enhanced our Staticus client centricity with new reporting tools. Here is a breakdown of the main digitalization projects that were initiated or continued by Staticus in 2022: 01 02 03 E.Warehouse Scanning 4D reporting tool CostX tool connected and Barcoding ongoing with PowerBI a) Issue: Our existing reporting tools had progress. For example, it has been used to a) Issue: The process of manually managing limitations that made it challenging for successfully improve communication and a) Issue: Changing material costs have large amounts of stock in the warehouse stakeholders to monitor projects in a transparency in the K8 building project in made the task of calculating project was inefficient and provided space for fast, intuitive manner. The need to input Stavanger, Norway. budgets and preparing offers challenging. errors. data manually, a lack of regular updates, It is also difficult to make the information and the inability to easily filter data were Our clients have recognised our 4D on estimation easily accessible. b) Achievements: Our e.warehouse all problematic. This inhibited the early reporting tool as an important innovation system,which was piloted in late 2021, identification of potential issues and that is fundamental to the detailed b) Achievements: In 2022, our Commercial was implemented throughout our made communication between parties monitoring of projects. It saves time and Division started using the CostX tool to warehouse in 2022. more difficult. improves planning. All stakeholders have ensure the standardisation of project benefitted from the tool’s ability to refresh calculations and improve the efficiency This barcoding and scanning solution, b) Achievements: In 2022, we introduced automatically as it collects data from of offer preparation. which helps to ensure proper stock our new 4D reporting tool. It connects various systems, and its wide variety of management, is now live for 75% of our detailed 3D models of our projects with filters for interacting with the reports. This tool, which integrates with the general materials groups. data - including BIM data - from various reporting tool PowerBI, also makes ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) We look forward to further improving our the offer preparation process easily This successful roll out, combined with the and CDE (common data environment) client-centricity by using our 4D reporting traceable, from the estimation stage continuous work on our Material Movement systems via the VCAD tool in Power BI. tool in all projects, and upgrading it to through to budgeting. Now information Programme, has enabled us to have more include even more data sources and is easily accessible for project managers transparency in the process of ordering This tool has made it easier to bring all functionality. and key stakeholders. from warehouse leftovers, and increased stakeholders up to date on a project’s the efficiency of materials usage.

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