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Letter From the Group CEO Go to contents 6 Key focuses for Strategic cycle completion R&D Sustainability, talent Staticus in 2023 and transformation A 3 year strategic cycle will be completed 2023 is set to be another intensive and at the end of 2023. Therefore, one of our exciting year in terms of our R&D activities. In terms of our sustainability activities, main focuses for this year will be to ensure We will continue with the development of 2023 is all about implementation. We Building on the success and that we have delivered what we committed our hybrid facade. This will include building are now in the process of defining the to 3 years ago. In terms of revenue, we are a prototype and then demolishing part of KPIs for each of the focus areas in our resilience of 2022, we have a number on track to achieve our goal of EUR100 a wall in our facility so we can install the Corporate Sustainability strategy, and we of important focuses in 2023 that will million annual turnover in 2023. Our market prototype and test how the IoT sensors are working out how to measure these so penetration is also on track, and our focus work in a real environment. We also expect we can provide full transparency and clarity keep us growing sustainably. in 2023 will be on maintaining the current to complete the construction of our testing on exactly how we are acting sustainably. number of markets we have, with some rig in 2023. We also intend to expand Additionally, our Sustainability Lead, slight growth planned. For example, we will the number of universities and research Anastasiya Popova, will continue her work look to further expand in the UK market institutions we cooperate with. on the CWCT sustainability workstreams and plan to add to our team there, and we committee for embodied carbon in facades. also hope to secure our first projects in the I believe that these activities, and our long Benelux and Swiss markets. term commitment to R&D, are boosting Our continued transformation into an Agile the innovation mindset within Staticus, organisation will continue, with the ongoing Naturally, our attention will then turn to the providing a space similar to a playground reorganisation of our teams and working next strategic cycle, which runs from 2024- where people can test, try and experiment. practices. In 2023, we will put in place clear 2027. As usual, we are encouraging all descriptions of roles and responsibilities Staticus employees to actively participate in within this new framework. the process of formulating our new strategy. We have already formed a strategic team A company without great of employees from different departments. This team was formed based on the insights “people is just a number. they provided and their desire to contribute to the development of our strategy. We Finally, and very importantly, we will be will once again be enlisting the help of the developing and supporting the talents we prestigious Swiss business school IMD with already have at Staticus, and will continue to formulating our strategy. grow our team. After all, a company without great people is just a number. Yours faithfully, Aušra Vankevičiūtė CEO, Staticus

Staticus Capability Statement 2023 - Page 6 Staticus Capability Statement 2023 Page 5 Page 7