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R&D Activities and Digitalization Go to contents 29 Design for Manufacturing Progress in patents for (DfM) used for aluminium installation mechanisms elements of cantilevered structures Design for Manufacturing (DfM) refers Using our DfM system, we will take full There is an increasing demand on exterior to the process of designing parts, control over the production of profiles in structures and features outboard of the components or products with ease of collaboration with an extrusion company. façade. To avoid scaffolding and disruption manufacturing in mind. The end goal System is supplied with full EN and of the safe and fast unitized curtain is to make a better product at a lower CWCT test certifications for performance wall installation, Staticus developed an cost and higher efficiency, thus more compliance. installation mechanism for cantilevered environmentally friendly, and this is structures, allowing for direct load transfer achieved by simplifying, optimising In this way, we are applying DfM, optimising to the building structure. and refining the product’s design. the production process through an iterative process with design. Staticus has developed a LT patented Staticus aims to use DfM increasingly solution related to the equipment and in its façade projects. Focuses for 2023 methods used to attach such structures. It permits the exterior cantilevered structure Key achievements in 2022 We have already started designing the to be fine adjusted once it is securely façade elements for the Separatorn 1 installed in place. In 2022, Staticus reached a major R&D project. Mock-ups, testing and production milestone by launching our own system for are planned for Q1 of 2023, and installation Achievements of 2022 and focuses designing and creating unitized aluminium is set to start in June. for 2023 systems. Through this project we are able to assess We have already received a national patent This system was already put into use on how our cross functional collaborative team for this innovation in 2022. the Separatorn 1 building in Flemingsberg, work takes shape, and continue to further Southern Stockholm. For this project, we optimize the Design for Manufacturing In 2023 we are focusing on build and install a 7,000 sq. m. unitized processes. the implementation of the customised aluminium façade that is unique for its exterior design solutions, by having curved corners. an efficient installation method and mechanism in place.

Staticus Capability Statement 2023 - Page 29 Staticus Capability Statement 2023 Page 28 Page 30