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About Staticus Go to contents 13 Becoming Purpose-Driven — the organisation’s capability to 20 Staticus employees from different 626 Design & implement its mission and the level departments will participate in the employees: 117 Engineering In 2022, we started on our journey towards of commitment of its leaders; development of our new strategy; becoming a purpose-driven organization. The term “purpose” describes a — which HR practices and management — To continue developing our PM & company’s driving force: the contribution areas need to be developed or competencies in three strategically 29 Estimation it makes to society and the impact it wants reevaluated in order to strengthen unity. important areas: technical competence, to achieve. project management competence, and This survey, and our work to act on its leadership; Research has shown that purpose-driven findings, will help us to strengthen each Procurement & businesses perform better. They generate person’s link with the organisation and — To further develop and strengthen our 53 Supply Chain Division more income, and have more engaged improve cooperation between employees. cooperation with educational institutions employees and more loyal customers. in different countries; Administration This is because they are better at Focuses for 2023 — And to continue creating more user- 71 innovation and transformational change. friendly tools for our team, including self- They also have a team that is all pulling the Staticus has clear goals for 2023 service tools and the Staticus intranet, same direction, as their purpose becomes with regards to its employees: as part of the company’s ongoing Production the overarching orientation against which digitalization. 356 & Installation teams and employees can measure and — To continue to improve our business align their decisions. agility at all levels of the organisation by changing to a team-based structure; Our activities in 2022 — To focus further on becoming a purpose- driven organisation; We invited the consulting company CRC Consulting and the University of Navarre — To maintain and strengthen our company to carry out an Organisational Unity Survey. culture, in particular our client-centricity’ These surveys cover a wide range of areas including: — To co-create our new strategy for 2024- 2027 together with Staticus employees — whether employees’ perceive an and in cooperation with IMD, a Swiss- organisation’s mission as their own and based independent academic institution the consistency between personal and ranked in the Top 3 globally by the FT organisational values; for Executive Education. More than

Staticus Capability Statement 2023 - Page 13 Staticus Capability Statement 2023 Page 12 Page 14